New terracehouses has begun.
Members of the terracehouse new season is…
★ Baseballer Makoto (22 years old)
★ tap dancer Yuuki (28 years old)
★ hair stylist Tatsuya (23 years old)
★ model Minori (22 years old)
★ barista Mizuki(22 years old).
★ medical student Yuriko (23 years old)
Gather round!
Baseballer Makoto came first. Makoto looked around, and started hanging around in the room.
He surprised this Luxury House, and he said “really!” many times .
Appeared in the following is the model Minori .
Makoto and Minori perched on the sofa and began to introduce themselves to each other.
And Minori said ,
MInori: ” the same age we are , sounds good!”
Makoto and Minori are same 22 years old , and same Four-year college . They have a lot something in common , and it looked very fun .
And it was Yuuki tap dancers appeared in the third.
Yuuki: “I am relieved that you seem nice ”
Yuuki said so , and approached Makoto .
Yuuki: “You get sunburned … what are you doing ?”
Makoto: “Baseball”
Appeared in the fourth was barista Mizuki .
Mizuki has done a brief self introduction .
Mizuki is Ballista and the employee association football .
Appeared in the fifth was hair stylist Tatsuya.
Somehow he was holding a sewing machine .
MInori: “Why did you bring sewing machine?”
Tatsuya: ”I am making clothes in hobby ”
After this, he intorodeced himself ,23-year-old , working as a Hairatylist in daikan-Yama .
And appeared finally was medical student Yuriko.
Yuriko: “Heavy luggage ~”
She appeared saying which , and she said
Yuriko: ” I am hungry ~”
She introduced herself ,4 years of medical school students now . And in the future, she want to be a doctor.
Thus gathered all the members.
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